Santander to shut 140 branches

About 1,270 jobs are put at risk after Santander announces a big round of branch closures.

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Battle to save remote cash machines

The UK’s largest ATM network is increasing the fee it pays cash machine operators to keep remote machines free of charge.

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7 Low-Overhead ETFs for Your 401(k)

These seven ETFs with low expense ratios and good track records could make excellent long-term additions to your 401(k).

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If You Invested Right After Amazon’s IPO

Find out how much you would have made if you invested $100 during Amazon’s IPO, including how the power of the stock split affects investment growth.

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Best ETFs That Track the S&P 500

These ETF’s track the S&P 500 large-cap U.S. stock index with the lowest fees and most liquidity.

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