Re: [ANN] Joinmarket – Coinjoin that people will actually use

Using I get a “TypeError: Non-hexadecimal digit found”after I input the corresponding private key for the auth UTXO.[code]Traceback (most recent call last): File “”, line 300, in main() Fi…

Stock Trkr
Microsoft, Harvard, UCL Take Steps to Bulletproof Smart Contracts

Ethereum\’s community is standing up to the challenge of securing smart contracts by taking steps to implement the lessons learned from the DAO. Microsoft Research, Harvard University and Inra, a French national research institute that employs 2700 computer science researchers from the “world\’s most prestigious universities”, have published a highly technical paper [PDF] on the formal […]

The post Microsoft, Harvard, UCL Take Steps to Bulletproof Smart Contracts appeared first on CCN: Financial Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency News.

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How do you apply “-zapwallettxes” on Windows?

On May 27 I tried to sell some Bitcoins(for the first time). Since that day the transaction is in the status “unconfirmed”. The amount is booked from my wallet, but isn’t booked to my bank account. The solution I found to solve my problem was to start the Bitcoin core wallet with (…)

Stock Trkr
Is there a way to inherit bitcoin?

I know this is a long shot: Is there anything I can do to recoup the bitcoin my father owned when he died? Is my only chance trying to find his password?

Stock Trkr
“confirmation” field in a block

What is the importance of “confirmation” field in a block? How many confirmations are required to accept a block in a blockchain?

Stock Trkr
sipa pushed to newsigs at sipa/gitian.sigs

Aug 22, 2016 sipa pushed to newsigs at sipa/gitian.sigs 15e0436 Merge pull request #393 from btcdrak/0.13.0 eff2915 0.13.0 unsigned MF 21 more commits »

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Trade in bitcom

If I trade in bitco in a long term, do I receive profit for each day or at the end of my term, I am trading with binary options and I trade for a long term since 23 June 2016 to 31 August 2016.

Stock Trkr
Any Wallets That Allow Holdings in USD?

I learn something new every day thanks to bitcoin & the bitcoin community. Since I trade BTC it would be nice if there was a wallet (besides an exchange) that allows me to convert to USD when Im not going long on BTC. Are there any such online or even offline wallets that allow this? Someplace a while back I had read one of the wallet companies out there were considering something like this, but dont know if it ever happened.

Are there any wallets that can do this? Thanks everyone.

submitted by /u/cryptoreporter
[link] [comments]

Stock Trkr
create a p2sh_script with btcruby gem

I try to create a custom p2sh script using the btcruby gem. Here is the code I used to generate my script: def self.create_script myscript here is how I generate the transaction to spend from this script (output_script is the s…

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