bitcoind and onion listening

I would like to get Bitcoind to advertise that it is listening on an onion address. However, I do not want to have Bitcoind use a tor socks proxy to connect. I have a special router for tor connections and the Bitcoind server uses that as its network g…

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What incentive is there for a miner to not cancel his own 'real' txs

It is said that a Bitcoin miner attacker with enough CPU power to out run the entire network is better off mining honest bitcoins – which is not correct since by creating a false block chain the attacker already wins the coinbase on the way, just like …

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[ASK] wallet accounting getbalance and staking coin

I wanna build mini project for simple staking coin site and now i stucked to get balance from wallet. I try to use RPC with command getbalance my_address, then wallet return thisAccounting API is deprecated and will be removed in future.It can easily…

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Best Python API for sending Bitcoins from a Multi-Sig wallet

I want to create a multi sig wallet which I can broadcast transaction from through an API. I would like a wallet with a permanent public address not one that changes every time I run the code. I was going to use Blocktrail but some of their API feature…

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Re: [ANN] FACTOM – Introducing Honesty to Record-Keeping

Quote from: jjmv on Today at 08:15:52 PMI need to talk to someone from the FACTOM team about possibly speaking at our annual healthcare conference here in South Carolina. I would be great to have an IT session whi…

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