Re: [ANN] FACTOM – Introducing Honesty to Record-Keeping

Lol….Factom is one of the biggest bull traps ever seen.

Desperate Bagholders during March rally pushing price to get out and cut losses

Can’t wait when M2 comes out and whales dump it back to 0.001.

Better sell off your Factom now than getting Rekt…..

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The Latest Dollar Crash Hype Explained – Pro Trader Replay Video

Can\’t See the Video? Login Here Are You Ready to Take Your Trading to the Next Level? Let Jerry Robinson teach you how trade stocks, commodities, currencies, and options for consistent profits! HERE\’S WHAT YOU\’LL GET… ENTRY AND EXIT SIGNALS ON EVERY U.S. STOCK AND ETF. Our powerful Trigger Trade Pro charting software shows you

Visit The Latest Dollar Crash Hype Explained – Pro Trader Replay Video on .

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Making the move away from banks soon, want to double check some things first!

Hey guys. I lurk here quite often, and I’ve been planning on making a move away from banks for a while now, planning on by the end of September. So, I’ve done a bunch of looking around and research, and I think that I’m ready for the move. Here’s my list of things.

First things first, converting USD into Bitcoin. From what I can tell, Coinbase isn’t an awful way to go. Yes, there’s a small fee, however I’ve looked at local trades and in my area there’s not many people looking to sell bitcoin. There are also no atms, so my thought is to just buy with my bank account from coinbase.

Second, getting paid. looks promising, so I’ll just be setting up an account and changing the payment info with my place of work, transferring that balance into my own personal wallet on “payday”.

Third, keeping my money safe. I’m torn between the trezor and keepkey, both look good. My current plan is to transfer the initial funds from coinbase, as well as my “paychecks” into the hardwallet. From the hardwallet, I will transfer funds to a “spending” wallet, which will be on my phone (small amounts, like 100$) as well as a card wallet (below)

Spending bitcoin like everyday stuff is the hardest part so far for me. I live in a non-progressive area, so a bitcoin card seems the best. Bitpay seems pretty good, and they service all 50 states.

Finally, I plan on having a “savings” setup, which I hope to be more secure. I’m not 100% on how I want to set it up, however my current thoughts are along the lines of creating a large number of paper wallets, encrypting them with bip38 or whatever that name was ( πŸ˜€ ) and storing the unused ones in a fireproof safe in my home. Then, transferring 1/4 or 1/2 of a bitcoin to each paper wallet, and storing them in said fireproof safe. However, I know this isn’t a fool proof method, and am trying to figure out a different way of doing it. I don’t want to use a safety deposit box.

Am I missing anything? Does this all seem like it makes sense? Are there better ways of doing what I want to do in the US?

Thanks for any help!

submitted by /u/ajv857
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Bitinvestor Online – I’m not admin here! Company BitInvestor Online exists in the global market since 2007. We are engaged in investing in Properties; this is the easy, affordable …

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Another Mining program with an API?

I’ve been looking around for mining programs that have APIs to use in a Project i’m trying to make and was curious if there was another program other than CGMiner that has an API for controlling everything?

The reason why is CGMiners API is incredibly …

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Re: [ANN] FACTOM – Introducing Honesty to Record-Keeping

@MalReynolds: It’s more stupid manipulation. The walls are moving. First buy-side and price rises. Then sell-wall and dumping. Whales are not always smart. If he really would want to buy he would do it more subtle.

Stock Trkr
Fix excessive looping on queued data
Fix excessive looping on queued data Let's say you need to catch up blocks for a few days, on completion
abe_loader will keep trying to load every single block that came in
between, causing excessive looping even once all blocks got imported. This patch flushes all lines after returning from Abe's load run, yet in
ensures any block that came in while loading won't be missed (at the
possible cost of doing just one extra load). Timeout also been increased to 15 minutes. No point in trying every 30
seconds, and this could hide an actual issue with the block regex.
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If all I give someone is my bitcoin address could I possibly be in danger or is it only if they can figure out my password?

submitted by /u/mistermemesyt
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Fix error with broken stats
Fix error with broken stats Although not a normal situation, when stats gets broken and return null
values we shouldn't fail to display the blocks.
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BIP deterministic seeds, number of words and compatible wallets

I like to have a list of Bitcoin wallets that accepts various types of deterministic seeds. I have read that some seeds can not be imported in e.g. Electrum of other. So a list with following columns would be ideal for me: BIP type | word count | compa…

Stock Trkr
Bitcoin Canada (

Just wondering where do you guys buy bitcoin if youre located in Canada? I was using Coinbase.. now they have taken interac online out and I’ve tried to verify my visa twice now with no avail. I’m back to using QuickBT.. but the charge rate seems high,…

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Why The Price Freak Out Just Because Of A Theft? (

In a lot of ways, a bitcoin exchange getting hacked and coins stolen is a lot like a bank getting robbed. But when a bank gets robbed, people don’t lose faith in the dollar. They focus on catching the robber and make bank security better. I’m sure peop…

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Bitcoin donations for Youtubers?

Over the last couple of years I’ve built a gaming channel with close to 8000 subs. Soon I may have to hang it up as I cannot justify the time spent on it to my pregnant fiance when it doesn’t generate income and just eats up time. Even though I find it enormously rewarding.

For a little while I was putting my bitcoin address at the end of each video. Stopped doing that after a few months when I got zero out of it. I suppose bitcoin isn’t quite saturated enough to make that viable for such a small channel.

Since I’m about to forget trying to earn a living from Youtube, I thought I’d ask here first – is there anything else I should try? Is it really worth considering bitcoin for this purpose when it’s still early days for the technology?

I suppose part of the problem is that I’m a terrible self-promoter. I feel guilty even thinking about asking viewers for donations. hmmm

submitted by /u/Vigilante_Gamer
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Scam alert

This site is a scam: I checked the source code and the contact us form is bogus. It does not submit the data anywhere. The contact email gives you an error when you try and send to it.

submitted by /u/ubuntaire
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