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HDB Profile
Sector: Finance
Industry: Major Banks
HDFC Bank Ltd. engages in the provision of banking and financial services including commercial banking and treasury operations. It operates through the following segments: Treasury, Retail Banking, Wholesale Banking, and Other Banking Business. The Treasury segment is involved in net interest earnings from the investment portfolio, money market borrowing, and lending, gains, or losses on investment operations and on account of trading in foreign exchange and derivative contracts. The Retail Banking segment focuses on serving retail customers through the branch network and other channels. The Wholesale Banking segment provides loans, non-fund facilities, and transaction services to large corporates, emerging corporates, public sector units, government bodies, financial institutions, and medium scale enterprises. The Other Banking Business segment includes income from parabanking activities such as credit cards, debit cards, third party product distribution, primary dealership business, and the associated costs. The company was founded by Aditya Tapishwar Puri in August 1994 and is headquartered in Mumbai, India.

Historical performance and chart data for HDFC Bank Limited

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