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UBS Profile
Sector: Finance
Industry: Investment Managers
Employees (FY): 112842
UBS Group AG is a holding company, which engages in the provision of financial management solutions. It operates through the following segments: Global Wealth Management, Personal and Corporate Banking, Asset Management, Investment Bank, Non-Core and Legacy, and Group Items. The Global Wealth Management segment involves the provision of advice and solutions and offers investment management, estate planning and corporate finance, banking products and services. The Personal and Corporate segment focuses on offering retirement, financing, investments and strategic transactions through its branch network and digital channels. The Asset Management segment consists of capabilities and styles, and advisory support. The Investment Bank segment includes research, advisory services, facilitating clients raising debt and equity from the public, private, and capital markets, cash and derivatives trading. The Non-Core and Legacy segment refers to assets and liabilities prior to the acquisition. The Group Items segment consists of Technology, Corporate Services, Human Resources, Finance, Legal, Risk Control, Compliance, Regulatory and Governance, Communications and Branding, Group Sustainability and Impact, Chief Strategy Office, and Group Treasury. The company was founded on June 29, 1998 and is headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland.

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